
Tedi Play is a refreshing drink with carrots and fruit juices, ideal to quench thirst. It is available in packs of 400ml PET in four assortments: a combination of carrots and green apples with lemon-raspberry, strawberry, orange and red cherry. Tedi Play is packaged in an aseptic environment and uses a unique packaging technology Top ASEPTIC, which guarantees that the product does not contain colourants and preservatives. 

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One of the favorite children juices in the Europe, finally comes to Serbia! Get ready to meet charming bear named Tedi, and juices under Tedi label that children all over Europe already adore. Domino communications adapted Tedi TVC for Serbian market. We are sure, that soon you will be singing Tedi tune!


Jedan od omiljenih dečijih sokića u Evropi stigao je i kod nas. Upoznajte se sa simpatičnim medvedićem Tedijem i sokovima, koji su odavno osvojili mališane širom Evrope. Domino communications uradio je adaptaciju Tedi TVC-a za srpsko tržište. Sigurni smo da ćete uskoro pevušiti Tedi pesmicu!

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