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CAMPAIGN: The Great Calculus

In the midst of the global economic crisis and the declining purchasing power of consumers, the task was to launch the new cost-oriented campaign for Tempo hypermarkets, which would consolidate rational and emotional reasons for buying in the Tempo chain, as well as strongly position the company in the Serbian market. We have created a communication strategy of the integrated campaign with 'saving' as the key message, contained in the 'Great Calculus' slogan and supported in all of the materials as well as communication channels.

Kampanja: Odlična računica

U jeku globalne ekonomske krize i pada kupovne moći potrošača, zadatak je bio lansiranje nove, cenovno orijentisane kampanje za Tempo hipermarkete, koja bi učvrstila racionalne i emotivne razloge za kupovinu u Tempo lancu, i jače pozicionirala kompaniju na srpskom tržištu. Kreirali smo komunikacionu strategiju integrisane kampanje sa uštedom kao ključnom porukom, sadržanom u sloganu 'Odlična računica' i podrškom u svim materijalima i kanalima komunikacije.

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