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During the four-year long collaboration with Cockta brand (2007-2010), within the regional "Cockta. No kidding." campaign that we had created and adapted for the markets of Serbia and Montenegro, we followed our faithful fans during their four-day-long clubbing adventure at EXIT 008 Festival. Our team of Cockta mascots (a duck, giraffe, sheep, penguins, cows...) and 20 promoters, had fun with the visitors of the Cockta bar, partied on the Cockta stage, and chilled out in the Cockta Chill Zone.

Cockta na EXITU

Tokom četvorogodišnje saradnje sa Cockta brendom (2007-2010), u okviru regionalne kampanje ‘Cockta. Bez šale’ koju smo vodili i adaptirali za područje Srbije i Crne Gore, pratili smo svoje verne fanove tokom četvorodnevne klabing avanture na EXIT 008 festivalu. Naš tim Cockta maskota (patka, žirafa, ovca, pingvini, krava…) i 20 promoterki, zabavljao se sa posetiocima na Cockta šanku, ludovao na Cockta stejdžu, i kulirao u Cockta Chill Zoni.

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