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Zamalo - Maxbet Nagradna igra

Naš novi klijent MAXBET nas razgibava u uzbudljivoj sezoni sportskih dešavanja. Posle taktičkih kampanja Uvek na terenu i Bet2slot, razmahali smo se teniskim reketima.
Za ovogodišnji Roland Garos MAXBET je kreirao nagradnu igru ’Zamalo’ u znak podrške Noletu, a mi smo za njih kreirali ATL i digital kampanju i pretvorili ZAMALO u PUN POGODAK!  Osam srećnih dobitnika je prisustvovalo finalu i doprinelo da NOLE uđe u istoriju.

Zamalo - Maxbet Nagradna igra

Our new client MAXBET is warming us up during this exciting season of sporting events. Following our two successful sports media campaigns "Always on the field" and "Bet2slot"; we are now swinging a tennis racket.
For this year's edition of the Roland Garros French Open MAXBET launched a campaign entitled ’Almost’, as a sign of support for Novak. Domino created MAXBEAT’s ATL and digital campaign and we turned ALMOST into TOTAL SCORE! Eight lucky winners had the chance to witness Nole’s win during the French Open, as he slammed his way into history.

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